The therapeutic mat

Movements for a patient with epileptic seizures

A holistic natural healing philosophy that aims to restore complete healthy balance so that the patient can enjoy a dignified life. Movement is the essence of everything in the human, the animal, and the universe.
Both internal and external human balance are based on twelve distinct movements that are shown on this special mat for epileptics. The mat is a therapeutic and preventive aid used in alternative treatment, both a tool and an excellent guide to applying the correct movements.

Thanks to the results, it has been called the friendly mat, because it aims to make the body and its necessary movements friends, and has very precise and simple characteristics. It also holds the secret of the therapeutic and preventive dimension of a movement that brings the body back into physical and psychological balance.
The size of the mat is according to the height of the person doing the twelve movements on it, and depends on their body or specific parts of it. It is characterised by the geometry of its design, and based on the internal and external composition of the body. Despite its simplicity, the mat is very accurate, and suitable for anyone to practise these exercises. Its design is the essence of all the measures while we perform twelve movements, and it shows us how to do them without error or omission.
These twelve movements are the essence of internal and external balance, and replace all other movements. They give the right strength and energy, release the negative charges that affect the nervous system, and reprogram energy, returning the body easily and simply to its natural state with concentration, regular breathing and coordinated movements
The body and healing and preventive map on the mat is inspired by the body’s internal and external philosophy, and divided into three. Each part of the drawing on the mat represents a part of the body, as in the following image:

The A column shows the length from the end of the foot to the armpit, and the length of the carpet, which equals the measurement of the patient playing games.
The actual body length = A + B
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